Who We Are

Asche & Spencer has specialized in composing and recording original music since 1990. Ranging across an array of media and genres, our music has been featured in Oscar-winning feature films and Cannes Grand Prix–winning commercials.

Our Team

Our talented and experienced staff, along with our network of world-class talent, infuse passion, nuance, and artistry into every project.
Music made by hand with care.

Richard Verbovenko

Creative Director

Richard Verbovenko

Kari Sharff

Executive Producer

Kari Sharff

Ryan Potts


Ryan Potts

Halle Ward

Associate Producer

Halle Ward

Lead Staff Composer

Tom Scott

Staff Composers

Al Wolovitch

Greg Herzenach

Jimmy Stofer

Nick Phillips

Deanna Devore

Music Supervisor

Michael Saltsman

Mix Engineer

Jared Miller

Technical Engineer

Joel Cohen

Who We Are (1)

Music Collection

Search by genre and keyword to discover and license the score for your story.

Music Collection

Contact Us

From tailoring tracks to custom compositions, our team looks forward to working with you.

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